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The Current State of My Writing

So I was going to post about the projects that I have been working on. As I continue to edit my first novel The Songs of Farewell, I am finding interesting ideas to expand that novel.

I usually keep the list of ideas that I want to write about, but also let those ideas warm a bit to see if they stick around.

What I am currently writing?

My novel The Songs of Farewell is about 69000 words and I am in the first phase of its editing. Also at the same time, I am figuring out a marketing plan. When I published 500 Miles, I used beta readers. This time, I will be trying to find a more focused audience who read science fiction or enjoy science fiction.

In the first phase of editing, I am focusing on finding plot holes, character holes and editing the content. I will go through two more rounds of editing before I will hand over the work to a professional editor for copy-editing. Once that is complete, I will work with another editor for proof-reading.

That’s the general plan for the novel.

In other works, I had my first acceptance with a short story. Spillwords accepted my short story The Traffic. I am also editing an old short story that I plan to give away for free to science fiction readers.

Next week, I plan to start writing a new short story that I will be submitting to a magazine. I’m really excited to write this story since the idea has been brewing in my mind for some time now. I am also waiting for results from four different submissions this year. Currently, my plan is to do at least 30 submissions this year.

Also last week, I published my short story And Sea Will Return You on this blog, so if you haven’t read it yet. I hope you read it.


Published inThe Songs of Farewell