Writing Tips from various writers
- Remove everything that is not part of the story – Stephen King
- If you intend to write as truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered. – Stephen King
- If you did not write every day, the poisons would accumulate and you would begin to die or act crazy or both. – Ray Bradbury
- When people ask me where I get my ideas, I laugh. How strange – we are so busy looking out, to find ways and means, we forget to look in. – Ray Bradbury
- I believe that eventually, quantity will make way for quality. Quantity gives experience. From experience alone can quality come. – Ray Bradbury
- Write what you want to read. – Toni Morrison
- Write in the morning. – Toni Morrison
- Writing can make you kinder. – Toni Morrison
- A successful writer is one who finishes what they start while striving to improve their craft – Huge Howey
- To become a better writer, it helps to understand how the delivery of words affects a reader’s mood and their retention of information. The most important tool in this regard is pacing. – Huge Howey
- Write to find out. – James Baldwin
- Trust the editing process. – James Baldwin
- You want to write a sentence as clean as a bone. That is the goal. – James Baldwin
Clear writing is clear thinking. Clear thinking is clear writing.
Let’s start with a simple sentence.
Writing a story starts with one word, two words, one sentence, and slowly a paragraph. Personally, I prefer to write in phases. I enjoy writing because it gives me the joy of childhood. I also enjoy writing because it takes me into the dark alleys of my mind. There are so many stories lying in my subconscious that I can only figure out when I sit down to write.
In any case, writing gives me the purest joy.
There are ideas and words. Especially, I want to write short stories and publish them. Sooner the better.
Writing is like finding those moments of life that I appreciate. Even when I have not appreciated life or when I had a hard time, I want to write about it. Short stories don’t come out of thin air. They come out of life experiences. Life experiences teach you more than writing stories.