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Writing with Power

Writing is a craft. It takes hours and hours of deliberate practice to master the writing. Imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon among writers. Even seasonal writers face the same dilemma and problems. Many times, finding the time to write or even finding the right motivation to write can be hard. But how do you write with power? Writing with power comes with the words you use, and the language you practice. It’s a constant improvement. Finding the small details of your craft and improving each detail one at a time.

Writing is messy

Readers might think writing is an easy job if they are convinced by the writing. But good writing is a lot of work. It’s revision after revision. Of course, there are writers who hardly do any revision also. But many of those writers have been writing for years. Good writing might look effortless, but it takes revisions.

Usually, when I write, I try to trust my instinct and do not try to judge the writing. It takes a lot of patience to build that kind of attitude where you do not judge your own writing. Trust me, it’s worth it. Once you write without thinking, you allow your instinct to build. It will find your voice. You write with more flow. The goal of this writing is to get the ideas out on paper. Blurt out, get that voice out of your head.

Revision, Revision, Revision

In writing, there is only one saying – Revision, revision, revision. Revise what you have written. Write your first draft without judging. And then bring your editing mind to edit what you’ve written. Most times, it won’t make sense, but it is better to remove and rewrite what you’ve written. The revision also takes time. A lot of time. A good writer is a good editor. Take the feedback in the right light. Use the feedback to improve your writing. Read aloud what you’ve written. Reading helps you find the gap between what you have written and what you intend to.

Practice style

One element that goes ignored in writing is style. You will pick up the style based on what you read. But also you can consciously practice that style. A good reference for that is the elements of style. Style is nothing but a certain set of rules. Sometimes you follow the old rules, at times you break them to find new ones.

Magic of words

After you have done everything, what’s left is words. Words make the magic happen. The writer’s words are the reader’s solace. If you want your reader to understand you, you’ve to create magic with words for them. Readers may not remember anything about your book, but they will remember the words you used and how those words made them feel. Sometimes happy, sad, melancholic, exuberating. To write with power, you have to use the words, right words.

Power writing is an exercise that takes time. If you focus too much on words, you will cripple your writing. So write first, edit later. Read more to find the right words.

Published inWriting