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Beyond Moon and Mars

With the recent success of the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) Chandrayaan-3, what should be the next goal? ISRO has always been an organization with a modest budget, but lofty goals. As an Indian, I am proud of what the organization has done over the years. India also became the first country to land on the south pole of the Moon.

For every scientific nation, space is the ultimate test and goal. India over the years has done well on this front – whether sending the first Mars mission back in 2014 or successfully landing on the Moon in 2023. India has always been a hungry country when it comes to Science and space exploration.

What lies ahead?

As a science fiction writer, I am curious to imagine the possibilities of the future. Space exploration had no limits. Only our imagination has limits. Even then, we are the ones who are curious, doing the impossible at times.

On the other hand, NASA had already sent multiple space missions to Mars. Mars is still the ultimate test of our wild imaginations. But for India, the next mission should be a manned mission to the Moon.

I don’t know if there are any immediate space missions planned for the Moon. The latest success is the beginning of the dream, the impossible dream.

For a writer in me, every space mission is an opportunity to tell different stories. It’s not all about space travel, but bringing human stories in the impossible conditions.

Humans are irrational animals. Our wild imagination for space travel can take us anywhere. Put humans in those scenarios and let your mind do the rest of the work to write stories.

Irrespective of India’s next mission, the immediate goal for Indians should be to be human again. The hate that is spreading across India will take the country to such a low that it wouldn’t be possible to go back to its glory days.

Here is hoping for a better tomorrow, here is hoping for love tomorrow. Here is hoping for hate to die. Here is hoping we reach Mars.

Published inWriting